Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Mind of the Cat: A Quiz

The Mind of the Cat: A Quiz

In continuation of my last post, I certainly hope you learned something about the mind of the cat. There is, of course, much, much more to know, as the cat’s mind is a deep well of knowledge and awesomeness. Today we are going to have a brief quiz to test your teeny human brain and see how much you have retained.

  1. Who is the most important person in your house?
    1. You
    2. Your cat
    3. Cats aren’t people

Correct answer: B. If you answered A or C, may your dreams be haunted by cats with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

  1. Cats prefer to eat
    1. Seizure-inducing dry food
    2. All the time
    3. High-quality organic tuna
    4. A menagerie of assorted wildlife

Correct answer: If you picked A, slap yourself upside the head. Again! Now, serve your cat a nice big bowl of deep-fried squirrel abdomens.

  1. Why do cats tinkle in inappropriate spots?
    1. I have not provided enough soft/tantalizing/fun places for my cat to tinkle
    2. No spot is inappropriate
    3. Would YOU pee in a 2 x 3 plastic box? ‘Nuff said.
    4. Because they can

Correct answer: All of the above (Duh)

  1. Cats are superior to humans because:
    1. That is the design of the universe
    2. They are cuter, faster, and much more wily
    3. They are not superior

Correct answer: I don’t think this one really needs any clarification, now does it?

Ok, time to score yourself. Four correct answers: Give yourself a cookie. You are somewhat on your way to understanding the awesome being that is a cat. Three correct answers: Did you even read my last post? Two correct answers: Call me later. I’ve got a special present I made just for you. One correct answer: Pathetic! May your cat use your leg as a scratching post.


  1. I loved your quiz...must convince my humat to take it...but I don't think that humats are that intelligent to take cat quizzes...need a lot of training and educating first (by us of course).

  2. I scored quite highly--however answers you and your cat are the same in my case...

  3. Great quiz, I did really good on it! Yay!

  4. My Mommeh failed the test. Time for the Bitey!

  5. Yay! I passed with flying colours. I think I'm starting to think like a cat -- wasn't that the point of this exercise after all?

  6. We got them all right...but then again, why wouldn't we?? We're cats afterall...

  7. I made my mom take the quiz and she passed with flying colors! I guess I've trained her well.

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